Courses / Earth Healing Mentorship
Coursework is on hiatus through May 2025. Sign up for my mailing list at the bottom of the page to be alerted when new courses are scheduled or for events, webinars, and other opportunities to work with me.
I am available for 1:1 spiritual advisement and mentorship on any coursework subjects.
To learn more, read about the courses below and scroll down for the booking link. Our focus may include any of the coursework topics listed below, as well as:
ancestral repair
earth-intimacy, earth-repair, and building relationships with Elementals (more-than-human peoples)
subtle realm attunement—the ability to hear and perceive events multidimensionally; to hear the unsaid and see the unseen
throat/vocal healing
learning more about your own perceptive gifts and medicine, clarifying your direction and authenticity
reading and deciphering energetics in the field, including entity awareness
establishing uncompromisable internal power in the body
fluency navigating the energetic field and physical world as a highly sensitive person.
I integrate teachings from my practice as a healer trained in matrilineal jewish witch arts; toltecan breathwork and shamanism; reiki; and shiatsu/meridian work, as well as medicinal + healing modalities I have recovered from my ancestral lineages that do not operate within any of these specific systems. Sessions are client-led; when appropriate and with client consent, I will provide additional intuitive counsel and prophetic insights.
For a 20-minute consultation for spiritual guidance mentorship, or to ask questions, reach out at the booking link below.
Spiritual Guidance sessions are $225 per ~1 hour. Sessions range from 60-75 minutes according to what is needed.
Consultations are $13 for 20 minutes.
Coursework is on hiatus. Sign up for my mailing list at the bottom of this page to receive updates.
This course approaches creative writing as an art that is always in relationship to how we understand ourselves and our experiences. The shape of our reality is not fixed but alterable by how we perceive our narratives and create (or recreate) our stories. Do our stories reflect the world as it is or as we desire to make it? Writing offers us a way to reshape cultural narratives that aren’t working for us and remake ourselves as many times as we like. In response to information overload, we will experiment with creative practice as a way of anchoring ourselves in an experience of power and resilience. This course offers meditations and writing tools to engage healing processes that are internal, self-reliant, and play with the dance between a creative process and a life. We’ll look to moments in history when small groups of intense, committed individuals interrupted systems that dismissed their ways of being, re-circuiting energetics in the commons. Curriculum may include: Projects created by the Situationist International; punk rock histories and hysterics; why Impressionism is a rebellion now as then (especially for disabled artists); and the covert intelligence operations of the womxn who invented Surrealism. While production is not the goal, most students discover new forms, avenues, and ways of being with and experiencing craft. Will you conform to the world or will the world change to find you? All writing levels and experiences are welcome.
EARTH CONSENT provides students with tools to repair their relationships with the more-than-human world and recover the level of intimacy with Earth that our ancient ancestors knew. Students engage ancestral repair work; learn to weave their ancestry healthfully with the ancestry of the place where they reside (the quantum/somatic version of joining two [or more] families from two [or more] divorces); and be supported in learning skills that enable easeful communication with trees, water bodies, and other elemental beings. Experience with ritual work is not a prerequisite, but spiritual humility and openness of heart and mind are required. This course is for those who are ready to commit to the cohort of individuals in the class for the duration of our time together. This course is offered in person in the Bay Area and over zoom. There are multiple informal and optional study hall sessions over the duration of the course and additional support offered between classes.
ECOPOETIC EMBODIMENT is a meaning-making circle for artists, writers, dancers, scholars, scientists, policy writers, and researchers of all kinds, providing a radical approach to inquiry. Ecopoetic Embodiment is a 7-week hybrid course for creatives and intellectuals of all kinds to learn and engage Earth-based research practices with considerable support. Regardless of their field or medium, participants receive functional tools that enables them to create in congruence and conversation with Earth systems while developing unshakable personal resilience and the skills to lead the growth of community-engaged power. Our learning is both individual and group-based. Our process will include meditations, sounding and somatic exercises, and specific land and elemental-listening tools and methodologies. Coursework takes place via zoom and in person at sites in the San Francisco Bay Area for field work. Disability and access needs of the specific individuals who register for this course are integrated into site planning. Locations and guest lecturers TBA.
Sign up for the mailing list at the bottom of this page to be the first to receive registration announcements and secure your spot. Contact with questions.
More About: Earth Consent
More About: Ecopoetic Embodiment
More About Earth Consent
In our colonial and (attempts at) post-colonial discourse, it is common for many of us to arrive at a point in which we identify as conscious beings intently (spiritually, politically, socially). When we create self-identifications that are based on concept, we are susceptible to over-identifying with our values, such that we may inhibit or block the difficult internal examinations that are required to create the real change that we seek. i.e. Do our words and actions match?
All change that occurs in our external environments is incepted from within.
It is very possible to care about consent or care about anti-colonial action, and yet cross one another’s boundaries—and often, the earth’s boundaries. This is because most of us were raised in a paradigm that rewards behavioral systems that do not honor consent. Yet collective change happens in the physical world only when we examine and reprogram our individual-relational landscapes on a subconscious level.
Beyond human-human relational dynamics in which the issue of consent remains in a state of damage and/or repair-process in the collective, it is easy for humans to disregard land the consent boundaries of Land and Water Spirits and Elementals because we have not been taught that land and these beings have personhood. We have not been taught to read personhood in the more-than-human world, discern distinctions of personhood coexisting within a single site, or hear more-than-human voices. Further, our world is so loud with external stimulus; even when we remember and believe in the personhood of land, it is the default setting of most people to disengage. It requires acuity, devotion, and practice to accurately hear the voices of the elementals and subtle realms.
The default of the colonial gaze is to objectify—not only women, but also plants and more-than-human kin. People of all genders and racial identities have the capacity to cross these boundaries without awareness. When we mend our relationship to Earth as individuals, and learn to practice mutual relational care with the place where we live, our understanding of what consent means in human relationships is altered and improved too. True consent work between humans is not dependent on human language—though it is a valuable and vital component of process. When a practitioner develops a durationally-cultivated attunement to the subtle body and field with the Earth, the whole field and the avenues of communication with other humans also changes. This takes time.
Regardless of our positionally and identity, it is our responsibility to recreate our internal landscapes toward a different future. In Earth Consent, the group receives elemental transmissions in support of consent awareness, engages site-specific assignments where they live, and makes offerings of care to the land and/or to specific communities. This work requires commitment and will elevate all your relationships—human, animal, plant, and beyond—if you engage it. It is sometimes confrontational work and offers a big payout: It will likely activate superpowers you did not know you had.
Earth Consent is alternately offered over zoom and in person for San Francisco Bay Area locals. The intro session, Earth Consent Fundamentals, will be available in video format for purchase soon. Check back here for more information or sign up for the mailing list to learn more.
More About Ecopoetic Embodiment
Ecopoetics is the creative project of examining the human relationship to ecology and the earth through poetic inquiry. Poetic inquiry can be a way of thinking and moving as much as it is a formal medium and craft. This course investigates colonial and sociological imprints in public spaces and environments of encounter. We will look at a variety of shared intersections where the self meets ‘the other,’ including in contexts where the other is a more-than-human being (plants, animals, trees, elements, otherworld beings, ancestors, etc.). We will learn to discern the different types of energetic imprints of all of these beings, towards the embodiment of higher levels of agency in our relationships and scholarship. We will experiment with writing and movement research that offers opportunities to play with embodied or felt qualities of interconnectivity, emotional resilience, and trust. We will play with language alchemy, which is a healing tool that has the potential to help us recast how we think, write, and speak towards expanded and elevated expressions of care for local ecologies. Throughout this course, we will consider ancestry from multiple perspectives: artistic, literary, cultural, blood/familial, tribal/ethnic, and cosmic.
Questions? Contact